Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Over a year ago I worked with my friend Ben on his original animated shorts known as "Perfectland." MTV paid for it and then sat on these beautiful cartoons for a year, doing nothing with them. We were ready to believe that no one would ever see them. What was MTV doing? For the last year, none of us who worked on the cartoons were allowed to even SPEAK of them. Now, here they are, all of a sudden, released on Earth Day on an MTV website. If you live in Canada, however, you CAN'T view this website. Lame. But there is another site where they exist, and in low resolution (lower resolution = environmentally friendly? We don't know why). Anyways, here they are for the Canadians, finally; a strange, bittersweet sigh of relief can be heard.

1 comment:

santa said...

Nayt, Congrats for your movie. I appreciated your "almost" happy end. Long life to Eggorthanus Unicornus! Please in season 2 put this business man in the cage making eggs too!
Encore bravo.